Tibetan Terrier 2 color Personalized Address Crock Tibetan Terrier 2 color Personalized Address Crock
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Add the personalization below, choose the color and design, we will do the rest. We are currently shipping personalized crocks within 1-3 business days.

Tibetan Terrier 2 color Personalized Address crocks price:
The 1 gallon crocks cost $54.95 each
The 2 gallon crocks cost $67.95 each
The 3 gallon crocks cost $88.95 each
the prices include shipping.

Select Size:
Line 1 (Top):         Note: 14 character max. including spaces, 2 & 3 gallon crock 1 gallon crock 12 character max. including spaces, 2 & 3 gallon crock 1 gallon crock 12 character max.
Line 2 (Middle):         Note: 6 character max 2 & 3 gallon crock 4 character max 1 gallon
Line 3 (bottom):         Note: 14 character max. including spaces, 2 & 3 gallon crock 1 gallon crock 12 character max.

We will use Uppercase letters on line 1 and U/L case for line 3, if you want someting different, please let us know in the comments section of the shopping cart. Note: If you only want one, or two lines of text on your address crock, leave the appropriate box/boxes blank. thank you. color choices are black, forest green, burgundy, navy & red)
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